Benefits Of Being A Retired Member Of Arapahoe FOP Lodge 31

Through the last several years, the board has worked hard to benefit our active members of Lodge 31. Many of these benefits have come from the national lodge, and some have come from the state lodge, while some have come from Lodge 31.

A few of the benefits that our sworn and civilian members get include the LDF, $25,000 protection we receive for using force due to SB21-217, the off-duty legal plan, and MAGEN.

Some may not know this, but Lodge 31 has a third membership tier beyond the sworn and civilian tier. That level is a retired member. Under this membership, we have some of the same benefits. While as a retired member, you will not need the LDF or the $25,000 Use of Force protection, you may want some other benefits as you retire to Tennessee, Florida, Arizona, or stay here with the grandchildren.

As a retired member, you still receive the off-duty legal plan. For those getting to that age where Medicare is about to kick in, the FOP has supplemental health care for Medicare through Aetna. They also have other insurance that includes life, auto, home, and many other benefits. As some of you know who are active members of the lodge, we entered into a partnership with Blueline Benefits to give pre 65 members a choice for health care.

Now that you know what you receive, you may ask yourself, “ok, how much?” Upon your transition to retirement, your dues will be $10 per month. This is payable in a lump sum of $120 on January 1 of each year to retain your retired member status.

If you are retired or about to retire, contact the lodge about rejoining (or joining for the first time), or if you’re an active member, talk to us about changing your status to retired.

Active members get with a board member about changing your status, former members or newly retired members contact us through our website at or email us at